STEP China Conference

Join Zetland Fiduciary Group online on the 20th of September 2023 for the Beijing STEP Conference held at the Fortune Financial Centre.
Our Phoebe LUO, Head of Zetland Trust Group China, has been invited by Beijing Hylands Law Firm and STEP to be a guest speaker at the event. Phoebe will delve into the importance of having a professional and qualified trustee, to provide Settlors with peace of mind knowing their wishes are being carried out appropriately.
Trusts are a complex and interesting field, and it is important to choose a qualified trustee to ensure the proper management and administration of your trust. After all, the trustee plays the role of guardian and administrator of the trust. The ideal trustee will act and make the same decisions for the beneficiaries as you would, exercising prudence and care to achieve the goals of the trust. How do you identify a good trustee? What are fiduciary obligations? What issues arise before and after the trust setup? These matters may have troubled many trust practitioners in the past.
In particular, the following topics will be closely examined:
- The role, duties and responsibilities of the trustee.
- Elements of professional and qualified trustee.
- How to choose a trustee.
- The role of Chinese lawyers in offshore trust formation.
- How the trustee should assess and manage risks in practice.
Register your attendance from following link: